Welcome to A L C A T R A Z The biggest concrete structure in the world and supposedly the most secure prison of the planet. Alcatraz was America’s premier maximum-security prison, the final stop for the ...
Welcome to a country of Genghis Khan Genghis Khan, was the founder and Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in the world, the Mongol Empire. He developed the most advanced ...
Gawai Dayak is one of the major cultural feast celebrated by the Dayak people in West Kalimantan annually for the thanksgiving after harvest, usually on 20th May. Gawai Dayak comes from Gawai meaning festival and ...
P A C U J A W I Pacu means race and Jawi means cow or bull or ox . Pacu jawi is a traditional cow race in Padang, West Sumatra – Indonesia that taking place in the Tanah Datar regency. Pacu Jawi has ...
Mingalabar! is a greeting word in Myanmar means welcome and a wish for good fortune. Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) is one of the most magical and undiscovered destinations in the world, a golden land of ...
Burmese Monk and Nun Buddhism in Myanmar is predominantly of the Theravada tradition, almost 90% of the population practicing Buddhism and Myanmar also is the most religious country in the world. Theravada Buddhism ...
Sunrise and Sunset at B A G A N Bagan in central Burma is one of the world’s greatest archeological sites. Bagan’s spectacular plain has more than 2,200 pagodas, temples, monasteries and other structures on ...
Mindat is a district in Chin state in western Myanmar, located at 4,860 feet above sea level and around 5 to 7 hours drive from Bagan. The remote tribal Mindat area was previously forbidden by the Burma government ...
Wamena or Baliem Valley of Irian Jaya, is Indonesia’s most remote province is a valley in mountainous Jayawijaya, capital town of the Jayawijaya Regency of Indonesia. It is the largest town in Indonesian ...
P A D A N G Minangkabau, West Sumatera, Indonesia Padang, is the capital of the province of West Sumatra in Indonesia. It is the largest city on the western coast of Sumatra. Before Indonesia’s ...